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Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of Frequently Asked Questions:

What is A-Spider?

A-Spider is a spider which takes a given web url, and proceeds to crawl and index the url and all links in the given domain. If a list of mime-types are provided, then A-Spider will download the matching mime-types to a local folder. Email addresses are pattern matched by default and a maximum number of links to visit can be specified.

How do i install A-Spider?

A-Spider is a java application and you only need to install Java on any machine you wish to run A-Spider on.  Once you download the jar package and the zip file of dependencies, save these 2 files in a seperate folder. 

How Do i Run A-Spider?

Download the ASpider package with its dependencies zip file. Unzip the package and then as long as java is installed, run the following command: java -jar aspider-0.1a .jar to get a list of command line options.

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